Portsmouth City Council and Portsmouth Creates have teamed up to launch a Meanwhile Use scheme in Portsmouth which aims to transform vacant properties into vibrant community spaces through meanwhile use. Landlords and business premises owners are invited to explore this potential for Meanwhile Use projects to happen in Portsmouth and help create a thriving local economy.

A “meanwhile space” refers to temporarily using a vacant or underutilised property before its permanent development or repurposing. Interested businesses will be matched with suitable local creatives and makers who require a temporary space.

Landlords and business premises owners are invited to register their interest in the scheme and take part in the survey.

Cllr Steve Pitt, Leader of Portsmouth City Council with responsibilities for economic development said:

This is a very exciting opportunity for Portsmouth. Meanwhile Use temporary spaces can offer multiple economic and community and benefits. They can revitalise neighbourhoods, increase property values, and reduce landlord costs whilst fostering a sense of belonging, creating more attractive areas, and supporting local artists and businesses.

Gemma Nichols, CEO of Portsmouth Creates said:

“The Meanwhile Use scheme presents us with an incredible opportunity to support our creative community in accessing much-needed space, while breathing new life into vacant properties across Portsmouth.

By enabling access to these spaces, we can unlock the creative potential of our city, offering local artists, makers, and entrepreneurs a platform to collaborate, innovate, and engage with the wider community.

The impact of this initiative will not only support local talent but will also foster stronger connections, creating a greater sense of place and belonging, making Portsmouth an even more vibrant and dynamic place to live and work.”

To register a space and for more information visit

Artist Alice Hume and Photographer Alex Fountain
